Vision and Mission


To be a recognized industry-driven university in the Asia Pacific Region by 2026.


LPU-B, espousing the ideals of Jose P. Laurel, is dedicated to develop innovative leaders, lifelong learners and globally competitive professionals constantly in pursuit of truth and acts with fortitude (Veritas Et Fortitudo) to serve God and country (Pro Deo Et Patria).

Institutional Core Values

LPU-B aims to develop and strengthen the following core values:

G – God Centeredness

L – Leadership

I – Integrity

N – Nationalism

C – Collaboration

S – Service Orientation

Educational Philosophy

The mission of Lyceum as an educational institution is inspired by the Philosophy of Education of its founder, Dr. Jose P. Laurel, who said:


  1. Education is a continuing process, a process that must, if it is to be effective and socially beneficial, seek to develop all the God-given faculties and the talents of the individual to their highest unfolding in order to make him an asset to his country and to the world community of which he is a part.
  2. A well-rounded and thorough educational training of the individual should not only develop his body and sharpen his intellect but also teach him to appreciate spiritual and moral values and prepare him for material welfare through vocational, agricultural, or professional specialization.
  3. An educational program geared exclusively to the needs and problems of the individual and the country would be fruitless and dangerously inadequate, however, if it did not take into account the problems of the modern world and if it did not inculcate certain virtues and social values that would make for international peace, which, after all, is the universal desire of men. Nationalism versus communism are some of the mighty forces now engaged in fateful rivalry on the world stage, and these competitions cannot be ignored in the formulation and implementation of the Filipino’s educational program.


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