Bachelor of
Science in Marine Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering is a four-year program with a curricular structure of 3 years of academics and one year of onboard training. It is a higher education degree program that deals with the study of the marine propulsion systems, auxiliary machinery, operation, and maintenance as well as controlling the operation of the ship and the care for persons on board at the operational level of marine engineering. 


  • PACUCOA Level IV Accredited Status
  • Recognized Maritime School by CHED-MARINA
  • NSA-Affiliated Maritime Higher Education Institution

Download Curriculum

The complete program curriculum for Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering

Download Student Manual

The Student Manual for Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering (BSMARE)


Graduates of Marine Engineering Program are expected to attain the following objectives 3 to 5 years after graduation: 

  • Obtain a recognition as marine engineer officers in accordance with the
    standards of Maritime Profession.
  • Become socially involved marine engineer officers who actively contribute to
    the development and advancement of the local, national and international
  • Initiate and contribute to the advancement of the Maritime Profession and
    industry through active engagement in research.
  • Engage in life-long learning to keep abreast with developments in the field of
    specialization and/or profession.

The graduates of the BS MarE program shall have acquired the knowledge and competencies necessary to perform the following: 

Common to all Programs in all Types of HEI (PO-a:)
PO-5.1.a Engage in lifelong learning and understanding to keep abreast of the developments in Maritime practice.

  • PI-5.1.a.1 Assume responsibility for life-long learning and personal development.
  • PI-5.1.a.2 Demonstrate continued competence and professional growth
  • PI-5.1.a.3 Engage in activities to deal with contemporary issues in maritime industry
  • PI-5.1.a.4 Upgrade technical knowledge to promote onboard competencies and skills
  • PO-5.1.b Work independently and in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams
  • PI-5.1.b.1 Manage their own learning, as well as providing experience of working within
  • PI-5.1.b.2 Develop qualities through positive participation in community life and social
    cultural literacy.
  • PI-5.1.b.3 Demonstrate the ability to take leadership roles in task-related socially
    enhanced activities.
  • PI-5.1.b.4 Conduct case studies and perform experiment beneficial to the identified
  • PI-5.1.b.5 Participate actively in uplifting the welfare of the community especially the
    less privileged sectors through community outreach program.


PO-5.1.c Act in recognition and practice of professional, social, and ethical accountability and responsibility.

  • PI-5.1.c.1 Participate actively in uplifting the welfare of the community especially the
    less privileged sectors through community outreach program
  • PI-5.1.c.2 Adhere to different local and international ethical standards to become morally
    upright and decent.
  • PI-5.1.c.3 Organize and manage teamwork of the crew for safe, effective and efficient
    operation of the ship and apply ship’s contingency plans for emergencies.


PO-5.1.d Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage”.

  • PI-5.1.d.1 Exemplify love for country in the service of the Filipinos.
  • PI-5.1.d.2 Demonstrate awareness to national interest and upholding Filipino pride.
  • PI-5.1.d.3 Protect and promote culture and heritage


Common to the BSMT and BSMarE Programs
PO-5.2.a Apply knowledge in mathematics, science and technology in solving problems related to the profession and the workplace.

  • PI-5.2.a.1 Discuss concepts of physical and natural sciences.
  • PI-5.2.a.2 Conduct case studies and perform experiment beneficial to the identified
  • PI-5.2.a.3 Solve problems using scientific method, logical and reflective thinking.
  • PI-5.2.a.4 Apply concepts, notations, and symbols in mathematical computations.
  • PI-5.2.a.5 Identify mathematical equations and variables
  • PI-5.2.a.6 Solve the given computing and mathematical problems
  • PI-5.2.a.7 Validate solutions to computing mathematical problems Understand
    professional and ethical responsibilities.


PO-5.2.b Evaluate the impact and implications of various contemporary issues in the global and social context of the profession.

  • PI-5.2.b.1 Develop innovative solutions that will address the different current global and
    social issues in the maritime industry.
  • PI-5.2.b.2 Promote the advancement of the profession by making sense of and getting
    involved in current discourse that impacts on the maritime profession.
  • PO-5.2.c Use appropriate techniques, skills and modern tools in the practice of the
    profession to remain globally competitive.
  • PI-5.2.c.1 Prepare, start, use in parallel and change-over of generators and electrical
  • PI-5.2.c.2 Maintain and repair electrical system equipment, switchboards, electrical
    motors, generator and DC electrical systems and equipment.
  • PI-5.2.c.3 Use of welding machines, lathe machines, and training modules related to
    shipboard operations.
  • PI-5.2.c.4 Utilize engine room simulators using simulated scenarios on the conduct
    practical demonstration of skills.


PO-5.2.d Contribute to the existing body of knowledge through research or other forms of creative discourse and innovative works.

  • PI-5.2.d.1 Identify research problem/question and formulate objectives.
  • PI-5.2.d.2 Conduct a review of related literature as basis of research proposal.
  • PI-5.2.d.3 Prepare a research proposal complying with the ethical standards and principles.
  • PI-5.2.d.4 Conduct a research study as a member of a research team.
  • PI-5.2.d.5 Analyze, interpret and utilize result.
  • PI-5.2.d.6 Present the research study


Specific to the Discipline
PO-5.3.1 Demonstrate the competence to perform the functions pertaining to navigation, cargo handling and stowage, controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board under Table A-II/1 and acquire some knowledge and understanding under Table A-II/2 of the STCW Code that are covered by this program under Annex A1.

  • PI. Ensure compliance with pollution prevention requirements
  • PI. Maintain seaworthiness of the ship
  • PI. Prevent, control and fight fires onboard
  • PI. Operate Life Saving Appliances
  • PI. Apply medical first aid onboard
  • PI. Monitor compliance with legislative requirements
  • PI. Application of leadership and teamwork skills
  • PI. Contribute to the safety of the personnel and ship


PO-5.3.2 Demonstrate the competence to perform the functions pertaining to marine engineering, electrical, electronic and control engineering, maintenance and repair and controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board under Table A-III/1, acquire some knowledge and understanding under Table AIII/2 of the STCW Code that are covered by this program under Annex A2.

  • PI. Maintain a safe engineering watch
  • PI. Use English in written and oral form
  • PI. Use internal communication system
  • PI. Operation man and auxiliary machineries and associated control systems
  • PI. Operation fuel, lubrication, ballast, and other pumping systems and associated
    control systems
  • PI. Operate electrical, electronic, and control system
  • PI. Maintenance and repair of the electrical, electronic equipment and control
  • PI. Use of appropriate hand tools, machine tools, and measuring instruments for
    fabrication and repair onboard
  • PI. Maintenance and repair of shipboard machinery and equipment


Common to the horizontal type as defined in CMO No. 46 s.2012

PO-5.4.1 Demonstrate service orientation in one’s profession.

  • PI- Focus on anticipating, recognizing and meeting peoples’ needs.
  • PI- Provide an opportunity to support others in their workplace and extend services
    to the community to improve lives of people.
  • PI- Develop a serve-first mindset and service orientation crucial to transform a more
    inclusive environment.


PO-5.4.2 Demonstrate ability to engage in various types of employment, development activities, and public discourses, particularly in response to the needs of the community one serves.

  • PI- Ability to recognize, participate, and involve in different community extension
  • PI- Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility through
    various engagement in different civic activities.


PO-5.4.3 Demonstrate support “national, regional, and local development plans” of the
country through participation in the generation of new knowledge or in research
and development projects.

  • PI- Provide a meaningful experience in research and development that are relevant
    and inclusive.
  • PI- Develop ability to recognize, formulate, and solve issues and problems in the
    areas of content knowledge and pedagogy
Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

Graduates of Marine Engineering Program are expected to attain the following objectives 3 to 5 years after graduation: 

  • Obtain a recognition as marine engineer officers in accordance with the
    standards of Maritime Profession.
  • Become socially involved marine engineer officers who actively contribute to
    the development and advancement of the local, national and international
  • Initiate and contribute to the advancement of the Maritime Profession and
    industry through active engagement in research.
  • Engage in life-long learning to keep abreast with developments in the field of
    specialization and/or profession.
Student Outcomes (SO)

The graduates of the BS MarE program shall have acquired the knowledge and competencies necessary to perform the following: 

Common to all Programs in all Types of HEI (PO-a:)
PO-5.1.a Engage in lifelong learning and understanding to keep abreast of the developments in Maritime practice.

  • PI-5.1.a.1 Assume responsibility for life-long learning and personal development.
  • PI-5.1.a.2 Demonstrate continued competence and professional growth
  • PI-5.1.a.3 Engage in activities to deal with contemporary issues in maritime industry
  • PI-5.1.a.4 Upgrade technical knowledge to promote onboard competencies and skills
  • PO-5.1.b Work independently and in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams
  • PI-5.1.b.1 Manage their own learning, as well as providing experience of working within
  • PI-5.1.b.2 Develop qualities through positive participation in community life and social
    cultural literacy.
  • PI-5.1.b.3 Demonstrate the ability to take leadership roles in task-related socially
    enhanced activities.
  • PI-5.1.b.4 Conduct case studies and perform experiment beneficial to the identified
  • PI-5.1.b.5 Participate actively in uplifting the welfare of the community especially the
    less privileged sectors through community outreach program.


PO-5.1.c Act in recognition and practice of professional, social, and ethical accountability and responsibility.

  • PI-5.1.c.1 Participate actively in uplifting the welfare of the community especially the
    less privileged sectors through community outreach program
  • PI-5.1.c.2 Adhere to different local and international ethical standards to become morally
    upright and decent.
  • PI-5.1.c.3 Organize and manage teamwork of the crew for safe, effective and efficient
    operation of the ship and apply ship’s contingency plans for emergencies.


PO-5.1.d Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage”.

  • PI-5.1.d.1 Exemplify love for country in the service of the Filipinos.
  • PI-5.1.d.2 Demonstrate awareness to national interest and upholding Filipino pride.
  • PI-5.1.d.3 Protect and promote culture and heritage


Common to the BSMT and BSMarE Programs
PO-5.2.a Apply knowledge in mathematics, science and technology in solving problems related to the profession and the workplace.

  • PI-5.2.a.1 Discuss concepts of physical and natural sciences.
  • PI-5.2.a.2 Conduct case studies and perform experiment beneficial to the identified
  • PI-5.2.a.3 Solve problems using scientific method, logical and reflective thinking.
  • PI-5.2.a.4 Apply concepts, notations, and symbols in mathematical computations.
  • PI-5.2.a.5 Identify mathematical equations and variables
  • PI-5.2.a.6 Solve the given computing and mathematical problems
  • PI-5.2.a.7 Validate solutions to computing mathematical problems Understand
    professional and ethical responsibilities.


PO-5.2.b Evaluate the impact and implications of various contemporary issues in the global and social context of the profession.

  • PI-5.2.b.1 Develop innovative solutions that will address the different current global and
    social issues in the maritime industry.
  • PI-5.2.b.2 Promote the advancement of the profession by making sense of and getting
    involved in current discourse that impacts on the maritime profession.
  • PO-5.2.c Use appropriate techniques, skills and modern tools in the practice of the
    profession to remain globally competitive.
  • PI-5.2.c.1 Prepare, start, use in parallel and change-over of generators and electrical
  • PI-5.2.c.2 Maintain and repair electrical system equipment, switchboards, electrical
    motors, generator and DC electrical systems and equipment.
  • PI-5.2.c.3 Use of welding machines, lathe machines, and training modules related to
    shipboard operations.
  • PI-5.2.c.4 Utilize engine room simulators using simulated scenarios on the conduct
    practical demonstration of skills.


PO-5.2.d Contribute to the existing body of knowledge through research or other forms of creative discourse and innovative works.

  • PI-5.2.d.1 Identify research problem/question and formulate objectives.
  • PI-5.2.d.2 Conduct a review of related literature as basis of research proposal.
  • PI-5.2.d.3 Prepare a research proposal complying with the ethical standards and principles.
  • PI-5.2.d.4 Conduct a research study as a member of a research team.
  • PI-5.2.d.5 Analyze, interpret and utilize result.
  • PI-5.2.d.6 Present the research study


Specific to the Discipline
PO-5.3.1 Demonstrate the competence to perform the functions pertaining to navigation, cargo handling and stowage, controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board under Table A-II/1 and acquire some knowledge and understanding under Table A-II/2 of the STCW Code that are covered by this program under Annex A1.

  • PI. Ensure compliance with pollution prevention requirements
  • PI. Maintain seaworthiness of the ship
  • PI. Prevent, control and fight fires onboard
  • PI. Operate Life Saving Appliances
  • PI. Apply medical first aid onboard
  • PI. Monitor compliance with legislative requirements
  • PI. Application of leadership and teamwork skills
  • PI. Contribute to the safety of the personnel and ship


PO-5.3.2 Demonstrate the competence to perform the functions pertaining to marine engineering, electrical, electronic and control engineering, maintenance and repair and controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board under Table A-III/1, acquire some knowledge and understanding under Table AIII/2 of the STCW Code that are covered by this program under Annex A2.

  • PI. Maintain a safe engineering watch
  • PI. Use English in written and oral form
  • PI. Use internal communication system
  • PI. Operation man and auxiliary machineries and associated control systems
  • PI. Operation fuel, lubrication, ballast, and other pumping systems and associated
    control systems
  • PI. Operate electrical, electronic, and control system
  • PI. Maintenance and repair of the electrical, electronic equipment and control
  • PI. Use of appropriate hand tools, machine tools, and measuring instruments for
    fabrication and repair onboard
  • PI. Maintenance and repair of shipboard machinery and equipment


Common to the horizontal type as defined in CMO No. 46 s.2012

PO-5.4.1 Demonstrate service orientation in one’s profession.

  • PI- Focus on anticipating, recognizing and meeting peoples’ needs.
  • PI- Provide an opportunity to support others in their workplace and extend services
    to the community to improve lives of people.
  • PI- Develop a serve-first mindset and service orientation crucial to transform a more
    inclusive environment.


PO-5.4.2 Demonstrate ability to engage in various types of employment, development activities, and public discourses, particularly in response to the needs of the community one serves.

  • PI- Ability to recognize, participate, and involve in different community extension
  • PI- Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility through
    various engagement in different civic activities.


PO-5.4.3 Demonstrate support “national, regional, and local development plans” of the
country through participation in the generation of new knowledge or in research
and development projects.

  • PI- Provide a meaningful experience in research and development that are relevant
    and inclusive.
  • PI- Develop ability to recognize, formulate, and solve issues and problems in the
    areas of content knowledge and pedagogy


  • Merchant Marine profession
  • Maritime Industry
  • Ship building and repair
  • Ship operations and management
  • Port operations and management
  • Ship surveying and inspection
  • Offshore industry
  • Maritime Education and Training
  • Industrial and Commercial Establishment
  • Government
  • Philippine Navy
  • Philippine Coast Guard
  • Maritime Industry Authority


LPU-B shall only accept students based on their respective carrying capacities, considering the number of facilities and equipment they own and faculty to student ratio. Students intending to enroll in the BSMT or BSMarE program shall comply with the minimum requirements for admission as follows:

  • Senior High School graduate
  • Students who graduated in High School on or before June 2016.

To qualify for graduation in the Customs program, the student:

The following shall be eligible for admission to the BSMT and BSMarE programs:

  • A student who graduated from the secondary level of education, subject to satisfaction of
    the following requirements of the admitting institution:
    • IQ Test
    • Aptitude Test
    • Personality Test
    • Math, Science and English Tests
    • Physical and medical fitness test, pursuant to Regulation 1/9of the STCW
    Convention 1978, as amended, to be conducted by a DOH accredited
    Medical Practitioner
  • A student who is transferring from an authorized maritime higher education institution,
    subject to completion/satisfaction of Physical and medical fitness test, pursuant to
    Regulation 1/9of the STCW Convention 1978, as amended, to be conducted by a DOH
    accredited Medical Practitioner.
  •  A student who is transferring from a maritime higher education institution whose programs
    are subjected to closure proceedings or are not authorized to be offered to a recognized
    MHEI, subject to completion/satisfaction of the following requirements:
    • Physical and medical fitness test, pursuant to Regulation 1/9of the STCW
    Convention 1978, as amended, to be conducted by a DOH accredited Medical
    Practitioner; – adopt PEME format.
    • Pass the written and practical assessment of prior learning (professional courses);
    retake failed courses in written and practical assessment.
  • A student who is transferring from an authorized maritime higher education institution
    whose admission standards require new entrant on the First Year Level only, shall abide
    by the institution’s admission policy; and
  • A student coming from outside the country must be evaluated in accordance with existing
    statutory and regulatory requirements prior to admission.

In compliance with Regulation 1/9; Section A-1/9 of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended,
students enrolling in the BSMT and/or BSMarE program shall satisfy the following criteria to be
considered physically and medically fit:

  • Has the physical capability to fulfil all the requirements of the basic training as required
    by Section A-VI/I, paragraph 2 of the STCW code.
  • Demonstrates adequate hearing and speech to communicate effectively and detect any
    audible alarms.
  • Has no medical condition, disorder or impairment that will prevent the effective and safe
    conduct of their routine and emergency duties on board the ship.
  • not suffering from any medical condition likely to be aggravated by service at sea or to
    render the student unfit for such service;
  • Adheres to the minimum in-service eyesight standards set out in Table A-1/9.
  • Must have a General Weighted Average Grade of 85% for all subjects.
  • Must submit a Certificate of Good Moral Character.
  • Must pass the admission test with a Stanine 3 result. In case the result is below the
    minimum required stanine level, must satisfactorily pass the interview with the Dean.
  • A student who qualifies for enrollment shall be eligible to stay for the entire period for which
    he/she is expected to complete his/her program of study in the institution, subject to
    compliance with retention policies of the institution, without prejudice to his/her right to
    transfer to institutions in accordance with the existing rules and regulations of the
    Commission, except in the following cases:
  • Student Requirements:
    a. academic delinquency
    b. violation of rules and regulations of the institution
    c. failure to settle due tuition and other school fees, and other obligations.
    d. sickness or disease that would prevent the student to handle the pressures of
    schoolwork or his continued presence thereat would be deleterious to other
    members of the academic community; and e. the closure of a program by the
    institution, or the closure of the institution itself.
  • In the case of transfer of a student, strict observance of the provisions under Sections 95
    and 96 of CMO 40, series of 2008. 38.4
  • The OBT shall not be considered as substitute to the one-year residency requirement in
    an MHEI for graduation
Academic Qualification
  • Senior High School graduate
  • Students who graduated in High School on or before June 2016.
Student Admission

To qualify for graduation in the Customs program, the student:

The following shall be eligible for admission to the BSMT and BSMarE programs:

  • A student who graduated from the secondary level of education, subject to satisfaction of
    the following requirements of the admitting institution:
    • IQ Test
    • Aptitude Test
    • Personality Test
    • Math, Science and English Tests
    • Physical and medical fitness test, pursuant to Regulation 1/9of the STCW
    Convention 1978, as amended, to be conducted by a DOH accredited
    Medical Practitioner
  • A student who is transferring from an authorized maritime higher education institution,
    subject to completion/satisfaction of Physical and medical fitness test, pursuant to
    Regulation 1/9of the STCW Convention 1978, as amended, to be conducted by a DOH
    accredited Medical Practitioner.
  •  A student who is transferring from a maritime higher education institution whose programs
    are subjected to closure proceedings or are not authorized to be offered to a recognized
    MHEI, subject to completion/satisfaction of the following requirements:
    • Physical and medical fitness test, pursuant to Regulation 1/9of the STCW
    Convention 1978, as amended, to be conducted by a DOH accredited Medical
    Practitioner; – adopt PEME format.
    • Pass the written and practical assessment of prior learning (professional courses);
    retake failed courses in written and practical assessment.
  • A student who is transferring from an authorized maritime higher education institution
    whose admission standards require new entrant on the First Year Level only, shall abide
    by the institution’s admission policy; and
  • A student coming from outside the country must be evaluated in accordance with existing
    statutory and regulatory requirements prior to admission.
Physical and medical fitness requirements

In compliance with Regulation 1/9; Section A-1/9 of the STCW Convention, 1978, as amended,
students enrolling in the BSMT and/or BSMarE program shall satisfy the following criteria to be
considered physically and medically fit:

  • Has the physical capability to fulfil all the requirements of the basic training as required
    by Section A-VI/I, paragraph 2 of the STCW code.
  • Demonstrates adequate hearing and speech to communicate effectively and detect any
    audible alarms.
  • Has no medical condition, disorder or impairment that will prevent the effective and safe
    conduct of their routine and emergency duties on board the ship.
  • not suffering from any medical condition likely to be aggravated by service at sea or to
    render the student unfit for such service;
  • Adheres to the minimum in-service eyesight standards set out in Table A-1/9.
  • Must have a General Weighted Average Grade of 85% for all subjects.
  • Must submit a Certificate of Good Moral Character.
  • Must pass the admission test with a Stanine 3 result. In case the result is below the
    minimum required stanine level, must satisfactorily pass the interview with the Dean.
Student General Retention Requirements
  • A student who qualifies for enrollment shall be eligible to stay for the entire period for which
    he/she is expected to complete his/her program of study in the institution, subject to
    compliance with retention policies of the institution, without prejudice to his/her right to
    transfer to institutions in accordance with the existing rules and regulations of the
    Commission, except in the following cases:
  • Student Requirements:
    a. academic delinquency
    b. violation of rules and regulations of the institution
    c. failure to settle due tuition and other school fees, and other obligations.
    d. sickness or disease that would prevent the student to handle the pressures of
    schoolwork or his continued presence thereat would be deleterious to other
    members of the academic community; and e. the closure of a program by the
    institution, or the closure of the institution itself.
  • In the case of transfer of a student, strict observance of the provisions under Sections 95
    and 96 of CMO 40, series of 2008. 38.4
  • The OBT shall not be considered as substitute to the one-year residency requirement in
    an MHEI for graduation

Lycean Testimonials

Contact Information

3E Laurence Christopher E. Binay

Department Chair – Marine Engineering Program

[email protected]

Capt. Alexander A. Gonzales, Ph.D.

Executive Dean, Lyceum International Maritime Academy Academic Operations

[email protected]


Dr. Hencel Shaira R. Vizco

Director for Instruction – Lyceum International Maritime Academy

[email protected]


Ms. Baby Mutya F. Balmes

College Secretary – Lyceum International Maritime Academy

[email protected]

Office Location

Ground Floor, Pacific Ocean Building , LIMA Campus


Contact Number

(043) 723-0054 Loc 106

(043) 781-0521.



[email protected]


Send us your inquiries and we would be glad to answer them.