Master of Science
in Industrial Engineering

The Master of Science in Industrial Engineering (MSIE) is a researchbased and advanced graduate degree program focused on preparing professionals in the design, evaluation, and operation of complex industrial systems in all sectors of the economy. The program aims to develop well-rounded practicing engineers and technologists who can integrate empirical observations and theories with actual practice towards more effective sustainable systems.  


Download Curriculum

The complete program curriculum for Master of Science in Industrial Engineering

Graduates of Master of Science in Industrial Engineering must: 

  • Successfully engaged in lifelong learning with a highly substantial degree of independence that involves individual work or teams of interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary experts
  • Practice or perform advanced industrial engineering works with good ethical and professional standards imbued with LPU core values.
  • Apply advanced technical and managerial skills to assess enterprise value through analyzing and designing an optimized solution to systems of people, technology, and information.

At the time of graduation, MSIE student shall have the ability to: 

  • Demonstrate a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of engineering principles and apply advanced knowledge to the specific discipline.
  • Analyze, synthesize, create and evaluate engineering systems.
  • Design components, processes, and systems to meet specified engineering needs under real-world constraints.
  • Communicate effectively technical knowledge, both orally and in writing, on complex multidisciplinary activities
  • Function effectively as a dynamic individual, a team member, or as a leader in a multi-cultural/cross-cultural work environment.
  • Contribute to the generation, dissemination, and preservation of engineering knowledge, methodologies, techniques, and processes.
  • Engage in professional development and life-long learning.
  • Conduct oneself within professional and ethical standards; and
  • Perform independent scientific research that results in innovation with application.
Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

Graduates of Master of Science in Industrial Engineering must: 

  • Successfully engaged in lifelong learning with a highly substantial degree of independence that involves individual work or teams of interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary experts
  • Practice or perform advanced industrial engineering works with good ethical and professional standards imbued with LPU core values.
  • Apply advanced technical and managerial skills to assess enterprise value through analyzing and designing an optimized solution to systems of people, technology, and information.
Student Outcomes (SO)

At the time of graduation, MSIE student shall have the ability to: 

  • Demonstrate a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of engineering principles and apply advanced knowledge to the specific discipline.
  • Analyze, synthesize, create and evaluate engineering systems.
  • Design components, processes, and systems to meet specified engineering needs under real-world constraints.
  • Communicate effectively technical knowledge, both orally and in writing, on complex multidisciplinary activities
  • Function effectively as a dynamic individual, a team member, or as a leader in a multi-cultural/cross-cultural work environment.
  • Contribute to the generation, dissemination, and preservation of engineering knowledge, methodologies, techniques, and processes.
  • Engage in professional development and life-long learning.
  • Conduct oneself within professional and ethical standards; and
  • Perform independent scientific research that results in innovation with application.


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