The Financial Management and Accounting program provides general accounting education to students wanting to pursue a professional career in finance and management accounting. A graduate of this program qualifies to take assessments leading to certifications in financial and management accounting given by global professional organizations.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Financial Management and Accounting
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Human Resource Development Management
The Human Resource Development Management program aims to prepare the graduates for a career in the field of Human resource management in various corporations whether in the manufacturing, marketing and service sectors, or in the different types of industries and organizations.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Marketing Management
The Marketing Management program prepares the students to be responsive to the total environment by providing technical skills and competencies in the areas of marketing. Marketing theories are blended with practicum activities to give the students a broad and enriched base for a career in marketing.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Financial Management
The Financial Management program aims to prepare the students to possess a strong foundation on theory, principles, and concepts, as well as analytical tools and perspectives that would provide a sound and competitive basis for financial decision–making. The program requires high levels of dynamism and commitment from the students. The students will work in depth in each course through proper balancing of finance theory and research literature with the practical aspects of financial management.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Operations Management (New)
The Operations Management program prepares the students to be responsive to the total environment by providing technical skills and competencies in the areas of operations management.
In ETEEAP LPU-Batangas we:
- OFFER alternative venue for continuing quality higher education;
- PROVIDE competency enhancement programs toward completion of required competencies;
- DEVELOP comprehensive assessment and evaluation tools as a bridging mechanism for flexible entry and recognition of prior formal and non-formal learning experience;
- AWARD DEGREE program and competency certificates to deserving individuals.
Send us your inquiries and we would be glad to answer them.