Alicante, Spain- 1st day of the Training Mission for the Pathway Project (promoting the employability and Entrepreneurship of higher education graduates through innovative ways in the Philippines) at the University of Alicante (UA). The training mission which will run from March 21-25 will focus on Systems to support Employability and Entrepreneurship. Pathway is a project co-financed by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Programme. The project aims to strengthen the “university-enterprise cooperation” by promoting Entrepreneurship and employability for graduates of HEIs in the Philippines to meet labor market needs and government reforms. The Pathway Project will help modernize the existing structure of the employment centers, the policy white paper, and the pilot actions to serve as role models for the other universities. LPUB takes pride as one of the partner HEIs in the country with UA as the European project coordinator and working closely with other partners in the PH through CHED.
#pathway2employability #LPUBeyondBorders #LPUBatangas #IZNPh