Maria Grace Dalangin-Sigua
BS Hotel and Restaurant Management, 2011
Proprietress/ Gen. Manager, Maia’s Kitchenette
(Food provider for Hospital Dietary Dept. and Cafeteria)
I chose to stay in our home country, the Philippines. The perks abroad may be very attractive, but it was rather a calling to serve my fellow kababayans. It was never an easy journey. I had my share of trials first-hand and it was truly challenging to meet the local demands and be ahead of the competition. I tried various related trades and invested in different ventures with the demands of the times. Now, amidst this pandemic, which greatly affects the food and hospitality industry, we are front-liners who are braving the threats of COVID-19 by providing food and services for one of the leading medical facilities in Batangas. Despite all the ups and downs of the business, I am still on top of my game. Also, I could say that Lyceum of the Philippines University Batangas has taught me the essential knowledge to keep up with the competition in the industry. Its various programs under the College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management provided the right exposure to many opportunities in the “real world” and equipped me with the proper training and experiences which I was able to use in my practice. There are challenges to come but LPU-Batangas has prepared me to be a versatile, competitive, and socially responsible hospitality professional and food service provider.
#ButiNaLangNagLyceumAko #YLP #LyceanLaurel