No. 1 Provider of

Law Enforcement Officers




To be a leading Criminal justice school in the country dedicated to the development of future criminal justice professionals who are competent in their fields, with Filipino spirit and global mindset, willing to serve God and country. 


The College of Criminal Justice (CCJE), Lyceum of the Philippines University shall become a leading Criminal justice school in the country, which offers quality education through competent instruction and relevant researches in the field of criminal justice. 

It shall contribute to the manpower needs of the country with professional and morally upright graduates, who participate in the community development, are concerned with justice, peace, and order, and who care for the environment. 


Bachelor of Science in Criminology

The field of Criminology is a study of crime and the various agencies of justice as they operate and react to crime, criminals, and victims. It is therefore the mission of the CRIMINOLOGY PROGRAM to provide the community with professionally competent and morally upright graduates who can deliver efficient and effective services in crime prevention, crime detection and investigation, law enforcement, and custody and rehabilitation of offenders, among others. Furthermore, the program aims to foster the values of leadership, integrity, accountability, and responsibility while serving their fellowmen, community, and country; to prepare the students for careers in crime prevention, law enforcement, scientific crime detection, and correctional administration; and to encourage research and inquiry on the nature, causes, treatment or punishment of criminal behavior and how criminal justice agencies respond to crime, criminals and victims.   

Bachelor of Forensic Science

Criminal Justice is a discipline that aims to preserve peace and keep order in a free society. As the trends of criminality today flow like how our technology is upgraded, it is imperative that our criminal justice enforcers are equipped with knowledge and skills in forensic investigation. From the identification and collection of evidence until its preservation and examination, and presentation to the court of law shall be observed. Bachelor of Forensic Science, an interdisciplinary program that combines a strong foundation of natural and social sciences and extensive laboratory and field experience answers the practical necessity in this complexity of today’s investigative challenges.  


Double Degree Bachelor of
Science in Criminology and Bachelor of Forensic Science

The double degree program in Bachelor of Science in Criminology and Bachelor of Forensic Science allows deserving students to earn two degrees simultaneously. The program has the advantage of providing extensive knowledge and skills in the field of Criminal Justice aimed at preserving peace and keeping order in a free society. As the trends of criminality today flow like how our technology is upgraded, it is imperative that our criminal justice enforcers are equipped with knowledge and skills in both Criminology and forensic investigation. 

The program combines the study of Criminology which is a scientific approach in explaining criminal behavior including the process of making laws, breaking laws, and reacting towards breaking of laws, and Forensic Science, an interdisciplinary approach founded on natural and social sciences and extensive laboratory and field experience answers the practical necessity in this complexity of today’s investigative challenges. 

Straight Program Bachelor of
Science in Criminology to MS in Criminal Justice
specialized in Criminology


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